Board Meeting
- Agenda
- 9.26.24.Agenda.Regular.fullpacket.pdf
- Chair's Report - 9.25.24.pdf
- AHMC - District Funds Summary 9-20-24.pdf
- AHMC - MCHCD - Facility Project - Plan 2024-25.pdf
- Katzeff.Report.9.26.24-SeptTraditionalMedicine.Symposium.pdf
- 9.26.24.Admin.Report.pdf
- 8.22.24 Draft Minutes.pdf
- 9.09.24 Draft Minutes.pdf
- 10.2.24.LWV.Candidate.Forum.Cost.Detail.pdf
- AB 869 Support Letter.pdf
- DRAFT MCHCD Bylaws Revision 9.26.24.pdf
- Draft Travel Reimbursement Policy 9.26.24.pdf
- MCHCD.2024.Regular.meeting.calendar.pdf
- Check Register 08-31-24.pdf
- Actual vs Budget Stmt 08-31-24.pdf
- Treasury Bill Portfolio 08-31-24.pdf
- Summary of Cash Balances 08-31-24.pdf
- 9.26.24.MCHCD.Regular.Board.Meeting.mp4
Board Meeting 6:15 pm
- Agenda
- Minutes
- 8.22.24.Agenda.Regular.Full.packet.pdf
- Chair's Report - 8-22-24.pdf
- 8.22.24.Admin.Report.pdf
- 7.25.24.Draft.Minutes.Regular v.1.pdf
- Staff Report - HRA Board Benefits.pdf
- GJ.Report.Draft.Response.8.22.24.pdf
- Draft Traditional Medical Providers Symposium Agenda and Cost sheet.pdf
- Treasury Bill Portfolio 07-31-24.pdf
- Summary of Cash Balances 07-31-24.pdf
- Check Register 07-31-24.pdf
- Actual vs Budget Stmt 07-31-24.pdf
- 8.22.24.Regular.Board.mtg.mp4
Board Regular Meeting, 6:00pm
- Agenda
- 7.25.24 Agenda - full packet.pdf
- 7.25.24 Chair's Report.pdf
- Props & Measures July Report.pdf
- Hospital.Tour.Report.07.2024.pdf
- 7.25.24 Agency Administrator's Report.pdf
- Draft 6.27.24 Meeting Minutes.pdf
- Draft Committee Assignments.pdf
- Draft regular Meeeting calendar.pdf
- Operations Expenditures by Vendor Summary Report FY 2023-24.pdf
- Check Register Report as of 07-22-24.pdf
- T Bill Inventory Portfolio as of 07-22-2024.pdf
- Summary of Cash Balances as of 07-22-2024.pdf
- 7.25.24 Board Meeting.mp4
Board MCHCD Regular Meeting, 6:00 pm
- Agenda
- Minutes
- 6.27.24 Agenda Regular-full packet.pdf
- Tab 2a Chair’s Report, 6.27.2024.pdf
- Tab 2b Grand Jury Report, 6.12.24.pdf
- Tab 2c 5-year Statement of Annual Cash Flow.pdf
- Tab 2c 2024-2025 Draft Board Budget.pdf
- Tab 2c Draft Finance Minutes, 6.20.24..pdf
- Tab 2d DZA Audit Engagement Letter 2021.2022.2023.pdf
- Tab 2e RGS Administration Assessment, 06.11.24.pdf
- Tab 2e RGS Chair Garza's Report 6.27.24.pdf
- Tab 2e RGS Contract Amendment 1 and Amended Scope of Services 6.27.24.pdf
- Tab 2e RGS Work Report, 6.27.24.pdf
- Tab 2f Storage
- Tab 2g Operations Cash Report, 06.18.24.pdf
- Tab 2g T Bill Inventory Portfolio 6.18.24.pdf
- Tab 4c Props & Measures June 2024 Board Report.pdf
- Tab 4d Cumming Cost Estimate, 6.11.24.pdf
- Tab 5a Draft Board Regular Meeting Minutes, 5.23.24.pdf
- Tab 5b Draft Board Committee Roster, 6.27.2024.pdf
- L.Williams MCHCD letter June 23 2024.pdf
- L.Finney MCHCD letter June 25 2024.pdf
- T. Ramos, MCHF letter June 26 2024.pdf
- N. deVall Email, June 26 2024.pdf
Board Meeting
- Agenda
- 5.23.24.Agenda.Regular.fullpacket.pdf
- HCAI Seismic Presentation slide deck.pdf
- TAB 1 MCHCD Chair's Report 5_20_24.pdf
- TAB 3 5.9.24.Planning.draft.Minutes.Regular.pdf
- TAB 5 02.08.24.Minutes.Special.pdf
- TAB 5 02.29.24.Minutes.Regular.pdf
- TAB 5 02.29.24.Minutes.Special.pdf
- TAB 5 04.10.24.Minutes.special.pdf
- TAB 5 04.25.24.Minutes.Regular.pdf
- TAB 5 04.25.24.Minutes.Special.pdf
- TAB 5 3.Policy.InternalControls.4.25.24.pdf
- TAB 6 Five-YearCapitalStructurewithProjectedCashFlow.pdf
- TAB 6 COVID.Compliance.Memo.05-18-2024.pdf
- TAB 7
- TAB 8 5.20.24.Staff.Report.BetaInsurance.pdf
- TAB 8 Beta.HCL.Quote.pdf
- TAB 8 Beta.DO.Quote.pdf
- TAB 9 11.Surplus.Policy.05.23.2024.pdf
- TAB 10 4.30.24.MCHCD.Bank.Balances.pdf
- TAB 10 05-21-2024.Monthly.Investment.Report.pdf
- TAB 10 04.2024.MCHCD.Warrant.CheckDetailReport.pdf
- 5.23.24.BOD.meeting.mp4
Board Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes
- 4.25.24.Agenda.Regular.full.packet.pdf
- G.Maroney.Resume.LOI.pdf
- A.Stockel.Resume.LOI.pdf
- C.Hart.Resume.LOI.pdf
- 03.28.24.Minutes.Regular.v.1.pdf
- M.Brown.May.BOD.mtg.4.22.24.pdf
- Measure.C.Minutes.4.23.24.pdf
- Listing.of.Banks.04-22-24.pdf
- Warrant.List.April.2024.pdf
- ProForma.Financials.4.25.24.pdf
- 3.Policy.InternalControls.4.25.24.pdf
- 4.Policy.CreditCardUse.4.25.2024.pdf
- 8.Policy.Purchasing.04.25.2024.pdf
- 9.Policy.Accounts.Receivable.04.25.2024.pdf
- 10.Policy.Code.Of.Ethics.04.25.2024.pdf
- MCHCD.BOD.regular.mtg.4.25.2024.mp4
Board Special Meeting
- Agenda
- 04.10.24.Agenda.special.Full.Packet.pdf
- Investment Policy.4.5.24.pdf
- Board Compliance Report 04-09-2024.pdf
- TreasuryBills.information.pdf
- LAIF.information.pdf
- Ca.CLASS.information.pdf
- BoardResolution.2024-
- BoardResolution.2024-
- BoardResolution.2024-
- BoardResolution.2024-
- BoardResolution.2024-
- BoardResolution.2024-
- MCHCD.Special.BOD.mtg.4.10.2024.mp4
Board Regular Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes
- BoardResolution.2024-
- Finney.Resignation.2-21-24.pdf
- MCHCD.Standing.Committee.Meetings.calendar.pdf
- Policy.RecordsRetention.Appendix.B.1.25.24.pdf
- Policy.Electronic.Document.Retention.1.25.24.pdf
- Policy.RecordsRetention.Appendix.A.1.25.24.pdf
- Policy.RecordsRetention.rev2.1.25.24.pdf
- 01.25.24.regular.minutes.pdf
- 02.08.24.special.minutes.pdf
- 02.29.24.Board.Correspondence.list.pdf
- Board.Communications.and.Brown.Act.pdf
- TAB 7 MCHCD_Draft_CommunityMtg_Outline_.pdf
- TAB 7 MCHCD_CommunityMtg_Feedback.pdf
- TAB 2 GRI Health Care Work Group.pdf
- TAB 10 Community.Outreach.March.2024.pdf
- TAB 11 MCHCD.Standing.Committee.Meetings.calendar.pdf
- TAB 12 Board.Proclamation.Finney.Recognition.2.29.24.pdf
- Solar Update February 2024.pdf
Board Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes
- 01.04.24.draft.minutes.Special.pdf
- 12.14.23.draft.regular.meeting.minutes.pdf
- BoardResolution.2024-1-Jan25.2024.CaBankofCommerce.pdf
- Communications.1.25.24.pdf
- committees.2024.pdf
- Invoices Received 012524.pdf
- Jan 2024 Balance Sheet.pdf
- Measure.C.Report to MCHD.1.25.24.pdf
- Policy.RecordsRetention.rev2.1.25.24.pdf
- Policy.RecordsRetention.Appendix.A.1.25.24.pdf
- Policy.RecordsRetention.Appendix.B.1.25.24.pdf
- Policy.Electronic.Document.Retention.1.25.24.pdf
- Californias_rural_north_exploring_the_roots_of_health_disparities.pdf
- 012524 MCHCD Board Meeting.mp4