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Facilities Update

Facility Needs At Our Local Hospital 


Some of the hospital facilities are 52 years old and need major repairs and upgrades. In addition to several major maintenance projects and desired capital improvements, the State of California has mandated that all hospitals must be updated to current seismic standards by 2030. (SB 1953). 

Potential Source of Local Funding

While no decisions have been made at this time, the MCHCD Board of Directors is exploring the options around repairing and upgrading the current hospital facilities as well as a variety of modernization projects that could provide expanded services to our community.

The MCHCD Board is closely following seismic retrofit legislation, and is currently creating a five-year strategic facilities plan. MCHCD is working to identify additional funding sources to meet its goal of upgrading the hospital’s facilities in time to meet State law requirements and to provide routine and deferred maintenance to our local tax-payer owned hospital facility.


We Value Your Input

As we plan for the future of our local hospital and other health care needs on the Coast, we want to hear from you. Members of the MCHCD Board will be holding community meetings to provide an update on the health care district and to listen to the health care priorities of residents on the Coast.

Stay tuned for more information. To share your opinions or to ask questions about this process, contact MCHCD Administrator, Kathy Wylie, at

MCHCD_PM_FactSheet_ENG_5.pdfMCHCD_PM_FactSheet_SP_4.pdfMCHCD_PM_FAQ_5.pdfMCHCD_PM_FAQ_SPANISH_3.pdfCommunity Report.pdfMCHCD Timeline.pdf
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