- Agenda
- TAB 1 Warrant List 081723.pdf
- TAB 1 BNY Mellon Invoice Past Due.pdf
- TAB 1 BNY Mellon Bond Agent Fee.pdf
- TAB 1 BodA Credit Card 8-3-23.pdf
- TAB 1 Devenney Invoice 7-21-23.pdf
- TAB 1 JJackson Invoice 7-1-23.pdf
- TAB 1 R&P Invoice 343 MCHCD Retreat 2023-08-01.pdf
- TAB 1 Stanford Inn Bill for 7-21-23 Retreat.pdf
- TAB 1 TriCounties VISA.pdf
- TAB 2 CSDA ENew 8-8-23.pdf
- TAB 2 CSDA Monthly Report August 2023.pdf
- TAB 2 DHCS Response re IGT 7-26-23.pdf
- TAB 2 Gabriel Maroney Inquiry Re Board Vacancy.pdf
- TAB 2 HCAI HBSB Full Board Meeting 8-17-23.pdf
- TAB 2 HCAI Health Care Affordability Board 8-22-23.pdf
- TAB 2 LVW Reception Invitation for 9-22-23.pdf
- TAB 2 MCHCF Dealing with Dementia Training 9-7 & 8.pdf
- TAB 2 Rhoda Teplow Board Interest email 8-8-23.pdf
- TAB 2 Shin Green Eastshore Report On Measure C Levy 8-10-23.pdf
- TAB 3 DRAFT Minutes 072123.pdf
- TAB 3 DRAFT Minutes 072723.pdf
- TAB 4 DRAFT ED Job Description.pdf
- TAB 5 DRAFT Bylaws re Executive Director.pdf
- TAB 3 DRAFT Minutes 081023.pdf
- Full Agenda MCHCD Board 081723 With Tabs.pdf
- TAB 4 DRAFT Employment Process.pdf
- 081723 MCHCD Board Meeting starts at 440.mp4